Abstract Submission
Please select the abstract template for the meeting you are attending below and read the instructions for that meeting as they differ for AWCBR.
Poster guidelines can be viewed at the bottom of this page.
Block A, B and C Abstract Submission
QMB, Medsci & Satellite Meetings
IMPORTANT: to submit an abstract for the 2024 meeting, you must first be registered to attend the meeting you are submitting to.
Please download the abstract template below and ensure your abstract is formatted accordingly before you submit it using the link below:
Final abstract submission deadline is 1 July but may be earlier to be eligible for some prizes so please check the relevant meeting's webpages. All reasonable submitted abstracts will be accepted for poster presentation and some meetings will have slots available for talks to be selected from submitted abstracts. Please submit abstracts as a Word doc via the abstract submission website.
Abstract submission deadline: extended to Friday 5 July 2024.
AWCBR Abstract Submission
Click here for details about abstract submissions for AWCBR.
Abstract submission deadline for AWCBR is Thursday 27 June.
Poster Session Guidelines
Please can you adhere to poster dimensions of A0 paper in portrait orientation. The poster boards are 1.2m wide and 2.3m high and velcro dots will be provided at the conference registration desk for you to display your poster on the board.
Please avoid landscape orientation with A0, as this will obscure your poster and encroach into adjacent poster boards.
The meeting convenor will contact you directly to advise if you poster has been accepted and when your poster session is being held.
You are responsible for printing your own poster.